SELA uses the wisdom of ancient secrets of African Traditional Herbs that have been passed on by elders from generation to generation to create herbal products that help boost health and relieve the symptoms of many illnesses. Each herb in SELA products has been carefully selected for its powerful abilities to help with illnesses.

SELA uses the wisdom of ancient secrets of African Traditional Herbs that have been passed on by elders from generation to generation to create herbal products that help boost health and relieve the symptoms of many illnesses. Each herb in SELA products has been carefully selected for its powerful abilities to help with illnesses.

Scientific Name

Aspalathus linearis

Common names

Rooibos Tea (English); Rooibos Tee (Afrikaans)


It is prevalent in the Western Cape and mostly the leaves and twigs are used.  It is a popular herbal beverage as it has a sweet taste and does not contain caffeine.  It is traditionally known as a powerful antioxidant and has application in many ailments including allergies, heart disease and aging.

Specifically used for

SELA tea range

Scientific Name

Mondia whitei 

Common names

White’s ginger (English); Umondi (Zulu)


Umondi is a perennial woody creeper that has distinct purplish-red (rarely yellow) flowers. The roots are aromatic and taste like ginger or liquorice and have an aroma reminding one of vanilla. In South Africa, the plant is restricted to the coast and the midlands of KwaZulu-Natal and Limpopo. Traditionally used to support male sexual health and increase sex drive. A medicinal plant from Africa.

Specifically used for

SELA Strong Man tea, Mixtures and Tablets

Scientific Name

Aloe ferox Mill

Common names

Cape Aloes, Aloe Bitters (English); Umhlaba (Zulu & Xhosa)


One of the best-known natural products in South Africa with a long history of medicinal use. Aloe ferox commonly known as Cape Aloes is a species of aloe that resembles a tree in growth or appearance, which is indigenous to Southern Africa. It is used to make aloe bitters , as a cleansing medication, mild laxative and produces a non-bitter gel that is used for its powerful soothing herbal abilities.  An attractive form of Aloe ferox is traditionally found in KwaZulu-Natal between the midlands and the coast in the Umkomaas and Umlaas River catchment area. Traditionally used as a laxative to support a variety of health benefits including blood sugar, energy, blood clean, ease bowel movements, body clean.

Specifically used for
  • SELA Blood Clean Tea and Mixture
  • SELA Inyongo Tea and Mixture
  • SELA Constipation Tea
Scientific Name

Harpagophytum procumbens

Common names

 Devil’s Claw (English); Sengaparile (Setswana)


Devils Claw is a genus of plants in the sesame family, native to southern Africa and grows mostly in the sandy north-western parts of South Africa.  Generally known to stimulate appetite and for indigestion.  It has traditionally used as an anti-inflammatory to support joint health, relieve joint discomfort, a mild pain reliever, make moving easier, backache, gout pain, arthritis.

Specifically used for

SELA Joint & Gout Tea & Mixture  

Scientific Name

Helichrysum odoratissimum

Common names

Everlastings (English); Imphepho (Xhosa & Zulu)


Imphepho is a strongly aromatic herb, that flowers throughout the year.  Most noticeable with its clumped up small bright yellow flowers. The herbs growth across south Africa from the Soutpansberg in Limpopo, to the highlands of Mpumalanga, the Midlands and Uplands of KwaZulu-Natal, Cape Drakensberg, across the Cape Folds mountains of Cedarberg, Gifberg in Vanrhynsdorp as far as the Cape Peninsula. The herb is commonly used as incense, also in traditional medicines for cough and colds, fever, headache, tension, muscle cramps and muscle and joint pain. 

Specifically used for

SELA Joint and Gout Tea & Mixture

Scientific Name

Lippia javanica

Common names

Fever Bush, Lemon bush (English); Umsuzwane, Umswazi (Zulu); Beukesbossie, Koorsbossie, Lemoenbossie (Afrikaans); Inzinziniba (Xhosa); Musukudu, Mosukujane (Tswana)


Lemon or Fever bush is an aromatic plant indigenous to South Africa.  It gives off a lemon-like smell when crushed.  In an infusion, the Xhosa people used it for the treatment of coughs, colds, fever and bronchial problems.   Traditionally, it has shown to be effective against fever, flu, headache and chest ailments.   

Specifically used for
  • SELA Colds & Flu Tea

  • SELA Colds & Flu Syrup

Scientific Name

Agathosma betulina

Common names

Long-leaf (Buchu); iBuchu (Xhosa)


Buchu is a flowering plant in the Citrus family, native to the lower elevation mountains of western South Africa, where it occurs near streams in fynbos habitats. Traditionally used to assist bladder and kidney health as well as with stomach pain and digestive problems, it is a diuretic and mild urinary antiseptic. Other traditional uses include the treatment of inflammation for the prostate gland, gout and topically for skin problems and minor wounds.

Specifically used for
  • SELA Bladder & Kidney tea
  • SELA Bladder Daily Support Capsules
  • SELA Gout Support Capsules
Scientific Name

Hoodia Gorbondi

Common names

Hoodia, Kalahari cactus (English); Xhoba (San); Ghaap, Bitterghaap (Afrikaans)


Hoodia Gordonii is also known as Bushman’s hat or the Kalahari cactus.  It is a leafless, spiny succulent plant with therapeutic properties. It has been traditionally used to decrease hunger and thirst, and therefore, it may be helpful when used as an appetite control for weight loss.  The plant was traditionally used by the San and grows in the Kalahari desert. It grows naturally in Botswana, South Africa and Namibia.

Specifically used for

SELA Slimming tea

Scientific Name

Siphonochilus aethiopicus

Common names

Wild ginger, Natal ginger (English); Indungulo, Isiphephetho (Zulu)


African Ginger is a plant with large hairless leaves, developing annually from a small distinctive cone shaped rhizome.  Popular in the KwaZulu-Natal and Mpumalanga regions, it has a long history in the African tradition for its medicinal uses.  Traditionally used to relieve menstrual cramps, premenstrual syndrome, hot flushes and abdominal pain. The underground root stem and the roots were traditionally chewed fresh to treat asthma, headache, colds, coughs and flu. It is antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving and decongesting.

Specifically used for
  • SELA Women’s Tea
  • SELA Colds & Flu Syrup
  • SELA Kids Colds & Flu Syrup
  • SELA Kids Cough Syrup 
Scientific Name

Lessertia frutecscens

Common names

Cancer Bush (English); Unwele (Xhosa & Zulu); Kankerbos (Afrikaans)


Sutherlandia is regarded as a multi-purpose medicinal herb in Southern Africa. The herb was originally harvested by the Khoi and Nama people as an old Cape remedy for cleansing wounds and when digested, to bring down fever and as a bitter general tonic. Traditionally is also used for a long list of ailments such as improving appetite, digestion and stomach problems, immune support, longevity, stress, depression, anxiety, to treat asthma, colds and flu, treatment of mental and emotional stress, and general health.

Specifically used for
  • SELA Immune Health Tea & Mixtures 

  • SELA Immune Booster Capsules

  • SELA Inyongo Tea

  • SELA Digestive Health Capsules 

Scientific Name

Artemesia afra

Common names

Wild wormwood, African wormwood (English); Umhlonyane (Xhosa); Mhlonyane (Zulu); Lengana (Tswana & South Sotho); Wildeals, Als, Alsem (Afrikaans)


Umhlonyane is one of the oldest and best know medicinal plants used across many cultures in South Africa.  It has fern-like leaves, has a strong, sticky aromatic scent when it is touched, which flowers in the late summer and autumn. It ia a common plant in South Africa. It is used fo a wide range of illnesses such as viral infections, sore throat, cough, colds, flu, fever, loss of appetite, digestive problems, headaches and earaches.

Specifically used for

SELA Umhlonyane Tea

Scientific Name

Centella asiatica

Common names

Pennywort (English); Icudwane (Zulu)


Pennywort it an evergreen herb that grows all year in damp conditions near fresh water across all of South Africa.  It has been used to treat a variety of skin and connective tissue problems such as assisting in wound healing, scarring, cellulite, improving connective  tissue health, increasing elasticity of skin, and reducing varicose veins. It is antiinflammatory and is used for skin conditions such as redness, eczema, psoriasis, acne and pimples

Specifically used for
  • SELA Clear Skin Tea & Capsules
Scientific Name

Olea europea subsp. africana 

Common names

Wild Olive (English), Motholoari (Sotho); Motlhware (Tswana); Umquma (Xhosa, Zulu & Swati); Umnqumo, Mutlwari (Venda)


Wild olive is an evergreen tree, with small spherical fruits that ripen purple-black often found near warter, by rocky hillsides, on stream beds and in woodlands and has a wide distribution in South Africa.  Its traditional medicinal uses are for colic, sore throats and diarrhoea but, like its European counterpart, it can be used to lower blood pressure and improve kidney function. It is antioxidant and antiinflammatory. 

Specifically used for
  • SELA High Blood Tea, Mixtures & Capsules
Scientific Name

Mormordica charantia

Common names

Bitter Melon, Bitter gourd (English); Inshubaba (Swati); Ntwe (Tswana)


Bitter melon originates from Africa andgrows widely in tropical and suptropical areas where it is consumed as a vegetable. Its traditional medicinal uses are for helping to improve digestion and to help support and control normal blood sugar levels.

Specifically used for

SELA Blood Sugar Tea, Mixtures and Capsules

Scientific Name

Asparagus racemosus

Common names

Wild Asparagus (English), Shatavari (India)


The species occurs  along the Cape Peninsula , along the Easter Cape Coast to Kwazul-Natal, Mpunalanga and Limpopo. Its traditional medicinal uese it so help  helps female sexual health and hormone balance

This species of Asparagus, occurs from Southern Africa up through the African continent to the Indian subcontinent and it is used in traditional medicine systems wherever it occurs. Wild Asparagus contains compounds called steroidal saponins which have a hormone regulating effect. The traditional uses for this plant are as a nourishing general tonic, for women in particular, as an anti-stress plant and for helping with women’s health problems such as hormone imbalances, menstrual and menopausal problems and low libido. 

Specifically used for
  • SELA Women’s Passion
Scientific Name

Mesembryanthemum (Sceletium) tortuosum

Common names

Kanna (Khoi), sceletium(English), Kougoed (Afrikaans)


 A traditional sedative of the Khoi and San peoples, Kanna is an ancient medicinal succulent plant that grows from Namaqualand to Montague to Aberdeen in South Africa. Traditionally, the Khoi-San people used the plant to elevate their mood and reduce anxiety and stress. It is used for its antidepressant, anxiety-reducing, and calming effects. 

Specifically used for
  • SELA Stress Support Capsules
Scientific Name

Alchornea cordifolia

Common names

Christmas Bush (English)


Christmas bush is a small tree or shrub from tropical parts of Africa used in Traditional African Medicine.  It is antimicrobial and antibacterial and is well known to treat infections, wounds, sores and cuts.  The plant is also documented in the the treating of gastrointestinal issues such as stomach cramps and urinary disorders, particularly when caused by infections.

Specifically used for

SELA Bladder Booster Capsules

Scientific Name

Warburgia salutaris

Common names

Pepperbark tree (English); Peperbasboom (Afrikaans); Isibhaha (Zulu); Manaka (Venda); Shibaha (Tsonga)


Pepperbark grows in north-eastern KwaZulu-Natal, Mpumalanga and Limpopo.  It is commonly used to treat thethe flu, common cold, coughs and chest infections. It is highly prized for severe coughs especially if there is a lot of mucus being produced.. It is also know to treat urinary tract infections in traditional medicine.   It is antimicrobial and antifungal.

Specifically used for
  • SELA Bladder Support
  • SELA Wet Cough Syrup

Source References:

Book: van Wyk, B. and Gerick, N. People’s Plants. A guide to useful plants of Southern Africa. Revised Edition. 2018.
Book: van Wyk, B van Oudtshoorn B. and Gerick, N. People’s Plants. 2017.
Website: https://pza.sanbi.org