
To tell you the story about my the first sip when I drank it reminded me of my grandmother, the remedy that she used to make for her high blood pressure and it tasted the same as the SELA. so that’s when I knew I chose the right product for my health. #SELAHERBALTEA for better health
It helps a lot.
Once bought it at Checkers Pharmacy very bitter but results are good when taken consistently.
The best tea ever.
It cleans my blood and it makes my skin clear. My favourite is the Blood clean.
Women’s Tea is my number 1, I did not see my periods since July 2021. I started using SELA tea for women in August 2022, since then I am ovulating again. I feel like I’m going to be on periods anytime soon.
I am so in love with the Women’s tea..it kicks off period pains.
I use SELA women’s tea. Number one for period pains and ovulation pains, very fast and effective.
I use kidney & Bladder Tea and the results are.
I still drink SELA Bladder & kidney tea and I’m much better than before. I recommended to my father now. It just we don’t have enough money to buy more SELA tea but we are trying.
Hi good evening, I am using SELA tea and it is really helping. I have used Inyongo tea, Strong man tea and kidney and bladder tea… very good tea this one.
Ay ngiyalibonga letiye!
SELA is the best.
I love SELA blood clean tea as it helps with my blood and keeps my skin glowing. I no longer have pimples because of SELA blood clean tea.
SELA herbal tea has helped me a lot especially blood clean one because I had a very painful period pain, heavy floods but now I am ok, thanks to SELA herbal tea I always recommend it to other people.
I am using clean blood tea, my dark spots are fading.
I bought for blood clean and I feel alive.
It really helped me with period pains, no more period pains .
Used to have smelly discharges but after drinking SELA women’s tea I say wow, no longer having smelly discharges. I am so happy about this tea and to the group that came with it from the beginning may God bless you all.”
The best, best. Women’s Tea.. oh yes!
I had a terrible period and that would even effect my right leg but ever since I used your tea, I am a free woman and I’m just wondering how on earth did I doubt to buy the tea for such a long time. Since it helped me, it can help anyone coz I know I had worse period pains ever. Thank you SELA tea
Good day. My name is Patiswa Sobuza and I use SELA Health tea and it helps to boost my immune system. I do a lot of hiking and it does support my immune system.
I’ve tried this tea’s, it works for me, never mind the taste. I used SELA for period pain for my daughter and SELA for blood cleansing and SELA for diabetic, they worked for me, one cup before breakfast and one cup before bedtime. I like it the way it is in terms of taste.
Good for immune system, cleaning and blood sugar.
I’m using SELA clean blood and it is working wonders now. I would like to try SELA skin tea next.
My favourite is the Blood clean.
This one it’s the one. Use BLOOD CLEAN TEA my skin looks amazing.”
The best.
Thank you it has helped me a lot may God bless u.
My favourite tea is the woman’s tea. For years I struggled with severe period pains. A colleague recommended women’s tea, which was about 6 months ago (March 2022). Since then, I no longer experienced any period pains. It changed my life for the better because the pain used to give me serious problems, especially when I’m at work.
Around end of April 2022, starting May 2022 I tried the @selaforbetterhealth colds and flu tea. I now swear by it because it boosted my immune system. I noticed a big difference in my body on how it used to respond to the symptoms of flu during winter times.
SELA is best product I ever used. I used bladder and kidney tea and I feel much better than before.
My every morning day start. It’s being 2 months now and I’m happy about results and I’m not ready to stop this is our life home product.
SELA stress tea for me, every time when I feel like everything is a lot I just reach a teabag from my cupboard, I brew and drink, It also helps me to sleep better. Mom bought the high blood tea + bladder and kidney tea, she couldn’t stop praising how it helped. We even bought them again they’re part of grocery now. I wouldn’t hesitate to try anything from SELA, especially the Tea range.
Definitely getting the special on promotion, I love SELA tea and it really helped me and my mom.
SELA tea is the best.
I’m using different kinds of SELA tea and they work well for me. Before I used SELA, I took it to my doctor for him to approve and he said I can use it.
Oh my favorite tea. I started with blood tea because I wanted my periods back after years of not getting them for years … I would recommend this tea to every woman coz Wow. I’m on my period as we speak I am happy.
And just bought the slimming tea now because the contraceptive I was using left me with so much weight …I’m happy and I have never been this happy with this tea.
The World should know about this tea the results are the best… Men and women try it yourself, no after effects with this tea.
SELA constipation tea, it helps me a lot with my bloating feeling due to my acid reflux.
I use bowl movement, wow SELA is real helping and I want to try blood cleaning now.
What I’ve noticed about the SELA Slimming tea is that it increases metabolism. My metabolism is faster than before and I’m losing weight bit by bit.
Thanks to SELA kidney and bladder tea, it helped me lot when I was having problems with my kidneys.